Order a domain name subscription as an organization
Order a domain name subscription as a private individual
Is it OK to borrow or rent a domain name from others?
It is possible to borrow or rent a domain name from others, whether they be private individuals, other businesses or professional agents offering this type of service. However, there is a certain amount of risk involved with this type of arrangement, both for the domain name subscriber and for the other party. The subscriber will always be the one who is responsible for and in control of the domain name, and they will therefore have the power to cancel the subscription or transfer the domain name to a new subscriber. On the other hand, the subscriber is also the one who may be held liable if the domain name is used for illegal activity.
What does a domain name subscription cost?
The registrar pays a set rate to us to register a domain name subscription. You pay your registrar for their part of the job, this normally includes the subscription fee. Rates vary depending on the types of services you order, rates also vary between registrars.
Our price to the registrar for a domain name subscription is 65 NOK plus VAT. The fee is the same whether it is a new subscription or a continuation of an existing one. The subscription period is one year.
The registrars have different price models, and some also have special offers that might result in a lower price. It can therefore be worth while to check prices from several registrars.
Establish a contract with a registrar
We recommend that you choose a registrar that is willing to give you clear, written terms and conditions for your contractual relationship. The contract should, at minimum, include provisions regulating rates, response times, non-compliance and termination of the contract. With a good contract, it will be easier for you to make demands if you run into problems.
Why are some domain names temporarily unavailable for registration?
We can say exactly why a domain name is temporarily unavailable for registration, but the most common reason is that the domain name has been registered and then deleted, and is now in the quarantine period. All domain names have a quarantine period of at least 30 days after it is removed from DNS . During this period the domain name is blocked for registration.
In some cases a domain name may also be blocked for registration due to an ongoing dispute or similar.
Unfortunately we cannot say exactly when a domain name in this state will be made available.
More about how to order domain names
Subscription terms and conditions
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