Norid AS

Abels gt. 5, Teknobyen

Phone +47 73 55 73 55

  • Ansvarlig selskap med delt ansvar (DA)
  • Ansvarlig selskap med solidarisk ansvar (ANS)
  • Aksjeselskap
  • Allmennaksjeselskap
  • Annet foretak iflg. særskilt lov
  • Boligbyggelag
  • Borettslag
  • Den norske kirke (tidl. Kirkelig fellesråd)
  • Eierseksjonssameie
  • Enkeltpersonforetak
  • Europeisk øk. foretaksgruppe
  • Forening/Lag/Innretning
  • Fylkeskommunalt foretak
  • Fylkeskommune
  • Gjensidig forsikringselskap
  • Interkommunalt selskap
  • Kommunalt foretak
  • Kommune
  • Kommandittselskap
  • Norskregistrert utenlandsk foretak
  • Organisasjonsledd
  • Partrederi
  • Pensjonskasser
  • Samvirkeforetak
  • Selskap med begrenset ansvar
  • Statsforetak
  • Sparebank
  • Staten
  • Stiftelse
  • Verdipapirfond
The representation of foreign countries in Norway (embassies) has a special status according to the Wien convention 18. april 1961 concerning diplomatic relations. Due to this status embassies are considered independent organizations who may register domain names under .no, although they do not belong to the organisation types listed above. The organization is still required to give an organization number and a written approval from the embassy stating that this organization is the official embassy of the country in question. Official committees are considered independent organizations who may register domain names under .no, although they do not belong to the organisation types listed above. The organization is still required to give an organization number and a written approval from the relevant governmental authority stating that this organization has status as a official committee. In addition, Norid can upon receiving a written application make exceptions from the list above for organizations that are registered in the category "annen juridisk person" and that cannot register within any other category, and that:
  1. Norid find to be clearly independent organizations that demonstrably run genuine operations and/or has activities and reality as given in the Central Coordinating Register for Legal Entities within the mandate given by the organization's institutors/owners. The organization must present written documentation for its independence and operations/activities as mentioned, in the form of statutes, formation documents/corporate charters, copies of the memorandum of incorporation, and what the organization otherwise finds relevant as documentation.
  2. at the same time presents written documentation from the Central Coordinating Register for Legal Entities that explains why the organization is not permitted to register within any other category in the Central Coordinating Register for Legal Entities, and that confirms that the organization must register within the "annen juridisk person" category. Such documentation cannot be dated earlier than six months before the application is received by Norid.
Norid is not obliged to make any independent inquiry before the deciding on the application. A new application from an organization that Norid does not find to qualify for this exception will not be considered until one year after Norid's initial denial.
Published: 18 January 2012
Updated: 1 July 2019