Share of domain names secured with DNSSEC
The share of registrars of Norwegian domain names that offers DNSSEC has increased over the last years.
Share of registrars offering DNSSEC as a service
However, there are large differences in the degree of signing among the registrars. The majority of registrars have only signed a few percent of the domain names they manage, or do not offer such security of the customer's domain name. At the same time, there are some large registrars who offer the technology as part of their standard delivery, and who in sum ensure that more than half of all Norwegian domain names are signed.
Share of secured domain names among the ten largest registrars
DOMENESHOP AS [NO] | 91.18% |
GROUP.ONE NORWAY AS [NO] | 45.87% | A/S [DK] | 91.96% |
WEBHUSET AS [NO] | 0.00% |
DOMENE AS [NO] | 1.15% |
Name SRS AB [SE] | 2.57% |
Telenor Norge AS [NO] | 85.75% |
Corporation Service Company [US] | 2.69% |
Key-Systems GmbH [DE] | 16.47% |
DNSSEC is a recommended standard for domain names registered by public administrative agencies in Norway. The graph below shows the development in the share of public domain names secured with DNSSEC compared to the total share of domain names secured with DNSSEC.
Development in the share of public domain names secured with DNSSEC
Do you want te read more about DNSSEC? Take a look at our article Norwegian domain names more secure with DNSSEC