Norid AS

Abels gt. 5, Teknobyen

Phone +47 73 55 73 55


…we exceeded 800,000. Development in the number of new registrations of domain names The graph shows the development in the number of new registrations of domain names per year from…

About the use of cookies on

the website for targeted advertising to the user in different channels and user units One year Double- click, Google Guidelines from Google VISITOR _INFO1_LIVE Collects data on the users and

The internet forum

…identifying and raising relevant questions about the internet, the internet forum helps expand knowledge among different local target groups and is therefore a national contribution to the international discourse about…

Advice for authorities

Both authorities and other parties, such as the police and prosecuting authorities, the Consumer Authority, the Gaming Authority, the Norwegian Medicines Authority, lawyers and other law scholars, must sometimes handle…

About the use of cookies on

…page we inform about why we use cookies, and how you as a user can choose to elude them. Some types of cookies are essential for the functionality of the

News item

Norid AS is ISO 27001 certified

…as a registry it is therefore very important to ensure the security and the availability of the registry service and the domain name system for the Norwegian top level domain…

About our privacy policy

…number, and find information about the domain holder, and who to contact. Read more about the lookup service and privacy Cookies About the use of cookies on websites under…

The .bv top level domain (Bouvet Island)

.bv badge Bouvet Island is a Norwegian dependency, and has its own top level domain, .bv. Norid has been the registry for .bv since 1997. The .bv top level domain…

Lookup service

…copyright to the lookup service, content, layout and the underlying collections of information used in the service (cf. the Act on Intellectual Property of May 2, 1961, No. 2). Any…

Domain conflicts in the legal system

…must enable us to implement the measures without violating the provisions of the contract between us and the domain name holder in other respects, or the provisions of the domain…

Domain name policy for .no

and the surrendering subscriber agreeing to surrender the domain name to the new subscriber. 11.3 The new domain name subscription runs from the date Norid assigns the domain name to…

Frequently asked questions

…NOK 65 plus VAT. The registration fee also covers the annual fee for the first year. The annual fee after that is NOK 65 plus VAT from us to the

Administrative model for the .no domain

…doing so, it delineates the relationship between the registry, the government and the rest of the Internet community (whom the TLD should serve). The model also defines by whom and

Domain name policy models

…name policy model is most popular at present. The figure below shows the domain name policies used by some of the ccTLDs in the world as mapped into the four…

Requirements for disclosing customer information

…must assess whether the data are personal datafor themselves, i.e. whether they themselves are able to link the data to an identifiable natural person. In the Breyer judgment, the court…

Online presence – where and how?

…needs to be conscious of how they build their online identity. The Internet has completely changed society. It is an important source of news, information, and entertainment, and people use…

30 years of Norwegian domain names

…from newspapers – on actual paper – or the Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation. In newsrooms, editors started their day by going through the several metres of telex notices that had come…

Norid’s processing of customer data

…shows who has the right to use the domain. Private individuals state their national identity number and the name with which they are registered in the National Registry to Norid,…

News item

The tug of war over the Internet goes on

…by the international Internet organization ICANN. These top level domains are usually commercial and are outside the control of national authorities. New top level domains like .anything are proposed to…

News item

2020 – a year for digital seven-mile steps

…early stage, and then you want to secure the domain name first and then arrange the rest of the formalities afterwards. The first thing you need when starting a new

News item

Internet usage increases – trust varies

Therefore, it is important for businesses to be conscious when deciding  which channels to be present in, and how they use the channels. The use of websites increases For Norwegian…

Domain name complaints

…I want to file a complaint 1 Familiarize yourself with the process and the formal requirements that apply Get the complains requirements and the form you need to use when…

Domain registration directory service

The service does not offer a free text search. Use of the service is subject to certain terms and conditions, and by doing a loop-up, users confirm their acceptance of these…

News item

Increased security with new registrar agreement

The use of domain names under .no is a central part of the digital communication in the society, and the focus on quality and security at all levels becomes increasingly…

Seizures of Norwegian domains

…to the police This transfer is mandatory, and can only be executed by us. Once the transfer is completed, the former registration holder (the person against whom the seizure is…

How the domain name system works

…for the top-level domain .no. The resolver then forwards the query to one of the name servers for .no. These servers also only know the level below them, and therefore…

News item

The pandemic is boosting entrepreneurship

…reached the highest level registered since 2014. The strong growth was driven by increased demand for new domain names and a reduction in the number of deleted domain names. According…

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Need of knowledge on Internet and domain names

…missed, and we manage our financial affairs. But the web does not only affect us on a broader field; we are also getting more dependent of the web and the

News item

Interpretation of the judgement

…of the domain name policy The Court has considered whether the agreement between the parties Elineweb and CoDNS is in breach with the current system of agreements. The conclusion is…

Problems with the subscription

…through forced dissolution it is the Bankruptcy Act that apply and the trustee in bankruptcy (bobestyrer) control the estate. See the next item for information about what happens when the

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Big tasks ahead

…For the holders the new system will offer better security for the domains, for instance password protection against transfers. These kind of systems cannot be bought off the shelf, and

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Norid in the final for the CENTR Awards

the registration process: The domain name first, then the company name and then any trademark rights. With this order it is possible to avoid others taking a newly registered company…

News item

Norid transferring to new owner

and later as a subsidiary. Uninett develops and operates the digital foundation for education and research in Norway, and it was natural that the responsibility for running the registry for…

Thinking about starting a business?

…your chest until the domain name is registered. Search the domain name register, the Central Coordinating Register for Legal Entities and the trademark register in one single search, Table…

What is the Internet Governance Forum?

…internet. History The UN wanted to look into the possibility of governing and regulating the use of the internet from an early point. In the 2003-2005 period the UN therefore…

News item

Operations and load remain regular

Business as usual is not normally considered to be newsworthy. However, considering the situation in Norway and the rest of the world has dealt with over the last few months,…